Friday 14 October 2016

STEM Relationship to k12

Relation of Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics to my choosen track :


Science Taken in this broad sense, "medicine" not merely denotes a kind of knowledge, but it comprehends the various applications of that knowledge to the alleviation of the sufferings, the repair of the injuries, and the conservation of the health, of  living beings. In fact, the practical aspect of medicine so far dominates over every other, that the "Healing Art" is one of its most widely-received synonyms. It is so difficult to think of medicine otherwise than as something which is necessarily connected with curative treatment, that we are apt to forget that there must be, and is, such a thing as a pure science of medicine–a "pathology" which has no more necessary subservience to practical ends than has zoology or botany. (Botany is one of the major subject of medicine)

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Technologies had a major role in medicine becoming more specialised. Many medical technologies allowed specific parts of the body to be studied, diagnosed or treated. This led to doctors who specialized in certain organs. These include ophthalmologists (doctors specializing in eye conditions) and otolaryngologist (ear-nose-throat specialists). Devices such as the X‑ray machine introduced medical professionals such as radiologists and radiographers.
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Engineering principles and novel technologies with biomedical and translational research.Engineering in medicine research addresses today's technology-driven healthcare system. Advances depend not only on clinical expertise, but also on those trained to look at the technical side of patient care.
This course (STEM) will start with enzyme kinetics, introducing the ideas of the Law of Mass Action, non dimensionalisation, and perturbation analysis. It will also briefly introduce auto catalysis, and cooperative reactions. A pregnancy testing kit will be mathematically modelled and analysed: this will introduce the use of Laplace transforms in partial differential equations and asymptotic results. The vascular system will be discussed and solutions for pusatile blood flow will be derived. This in turn will be applied in the analysis of a catheter in the pulmonary artery which is heated one degree above blood temperature. Knowing the power input we deduce the cardiac output. Finally Infectious diseases are discussed. In particular the SIR model is dealt with; this is followed by an analysis of a sexually transmitted disease and then the spread of rabies is considered.

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